Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What I Have Learned

One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length) One hope that I have is for people of all cultures can learn from one another and are interested in the difference of one another.  It would be nice to accept our differences and learn to work together.  To see pass those difference and learn that our children can learn from each other regardless of our diversity and backgrounds.

One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length) When dealing with people who are different than myself whether that’s culture, religion or sexual orientation I want to be ready to be open-minded and accept people for who they are and not who I think they are.  Learning not to assume or have assumptions of others is a big move in the right direction.  I believe that I have learned that discomforts exist for a lot of us.  The main thing is not to react on those discomforts but learn how to over come them while treating everyone with respect.

I would like to say thanks to Barbara and Christiana for such spirited conversations.  I love the way each of you brought such creativy to our discussions.  It is awesome to see how each of us think and how we express those thoughts.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art
Growing up in the struggle wasn't by choice, its something Jesus planned out
so I adapted to get it on my own and not to look for a hand out.

They think because we’re poor and we aren’t richer than the next man
that when someone needs a job done, you're not qualified to be the best man
bcuz the media will lose you and ultimately confuse you.  

 Ignore the motives that we use reality shows and school.  Traven’s Martin got murdered and society tried to swipe it under the rug.  But it was tragic like the girl killed herself because she was
bullied on blog sites.  When I was young we played with Barbie’s and had easy bake ovens.   
Show little girls are too grown and they don't look up to nothing they don't look forward to a husband, whereas the hope for the future.  Boys used to fight back in the day now a days they will shoot one thing.  I really hate and I feel is a mistake folks rather watch the bet awards over the presidential debate you can call me old fashion but the news today – I can’t relate
just hope times get better so like 50 cent I patiently wait!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: "We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: "We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"


When my siblings and I were little I remember the first time we seen someone who appeared to be different because of the way they walked.  To us it was funny the way they walked and moved their arms to seem uncontrollable.  What I learned as I got older was that the person was diagnosis with Cerebral Palsy.  This is an action of the limbs that could not be helped.  Although this person was dealing with this type of motion of their body it had nothing to do with their mental capabilities.  My mom did a good job of correcting us from laughing and talking about the person.  But she fell short in using it as a teachable moment to explain to us what was happening to the individual and why it is not polite to laugh at anyone who appears to be different.  “She told us it was not nice and don’t do that again and if she ever seen us do it again she was going to get us.”

As I viewed the response of the adult in the media “Seeing Diversity: Physical Ability and Characteristics.” I thought the adult who was listening to the children complain about the lunch meals was so wrong to make the comment he did about “he see why he wants more food.”  This made my heart sink.  I was not expected that from this video.  I believe this type of comment to a young child could damage him for life.  These types of comments from adults are never forgotten, as we are about to learn by doing this assignment.  There will be stories told about young children or us that have always stayed with us.  In some ways we get over them and turn out okay and in our cases the thoughts are always with us.

An anti-bias educator would have taken the time to discuss the needs of the children.  He would have explained his company needs the needs of the state for them to follow but assured the children that he would report back all of his finding today and get back with them as soon as possible.  I believe this would be a way of communicating to the students they are important and what they are talking about is equally as important.  I don’t believe any smart comments were needed.  I believe the children needed to walked away as though they did what was right by speaking up for what was right and a feeling of empowerment as they completed the task.


"Start Seeing Diversity: Physical Ability and Characteristics" (Approximate length: 4 minutes)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Start Seeing Diversity Video" Blog: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

"Start Seeing Diversity Video" Blog: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

Some of the ways you noticed that homophobia and heterosexism permeate the world of young children including books, movies, toys, stores, culture of early childhood centers, and schools.  What I have noticed is parents are been more homophobia than the world as it relates to their children.  Toys in the store are arranged separately the way they are presented.  Boy toys are all lined up together and supposedly girl toys are all together.  I also, noticed in the store that toys that an individual might think a girl could play with such as certain type of stuffed dolls.  Instead are in with the boy toys.  This also, misleads parents to believe this is the correct because the way things are displayed visually.  As I viewed "Start Seeing Diversity Video" Blog: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation” I realized quickly displaying toys in a daycare center is important because if presented as only boy or girls toys young children will grow up to believe they can only be a doctor for example.  Have conversations with young children about their thoughts and beliefs are important to help get them on the right track so that they want grow into stereotype thinking.  I believe that culture of early childhood centers also fall in the same categories preventing girls and boys from choosing what they want to play with and interfering who they would like to play with on the playground.

How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child.  My response to parents with these types of feelings is to explain to them that the school district is an equal opportunity work place for all people regardless of their race, religious beliefs, sex or gender.  I also, will invite them to read the district rules and policies and if they have further question or request to please talk with the Superintendent of Schools.

Course Media: "Start Seeing Diversity: Gender" (Approximate length: 6 minutes)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Collaborative Learning Community

During the past 8 weeks, I have learned so much from each of you my colleagues.  I thank you for sharing your insights and 

your best practices.  I also, thank you for encouraging me during class discussion to express myself with no hesitation.  I 

truly love the book our instructor chose for us to learn from.  I would love to hear from any of you that would like to contact 

me with questions or an up date as you go forward in the rest of our learning.  You can reach me at skatrtuesday@aol.com.  

Lastly, I want to wish each of you continued success now, in our next class and as we all go on in trying to complete the 

master's program.  I would like to share what a instructor once got me to realize and the end of his class.  He would often say 

at the end of each class session "you know to much now."  I would like to say to each of you my colleagues "YOU KNOW 


Audrey Winters

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Team collabration

When I reflect over a group that made for the hardest good-bye was working on my family reunion.  I was able to work together with 4 generations in my family.  At the end of the last event of the week we all were introduce as the committee group.  The group consisted of 7 people representing 7 cities.  Each of us took turns reflecting over the hard work and the happiest we all experienced by being a host family.  Afterwards we all hugged each other to signal the respect and love we all felt for one another to end a 2-year journey.  I personally believe the hardest part for me was listening as each of my family members started to share different moments of the past 2-years when working hard putting together our reunion.  This made me realize time spent and shared and that we would not be talking to one another at the same magnitude as we had during the last 2-years. 

The group I remember that had the clearest established norms was a class I was taking during the time I was working on my undergraduate degree.  This group was able to settle on norms with the entire agreement from the group and was able to stick to those norms throughout the semester.  I believe the leadership from the instructor had a lot to do with it.  The instructor of the class I remember gave us such a feeling of why we were there and made me personally feel if we did nothing else we will respect one another.  I loved his attitude because I knew this meant we would get a lot done in class. 

The group I had the hardest time leaving was the family reunion group.  I had formed such deep relations with my family members from out of town and there was such deep history in each and every one of them.  We had formed such a bound and relationship as if we had grown up together. 

One closing ritual I have experienced with my camping buddies was on the last morning of camp we all drink champion and orange juice before breaking camp. 
I believe I will adjourn from my group of colleagues by using good wishes to each one of them on such a hard fought journey over the last years in the program.  I will try and recall funny and hard times we have experienced and assure each one of them how worth it was to hang in there until the very end.  I believe adjourning is essential stage of teamwork because it gives you a chance to reflect and complement one another and say things you may have forgotten to say during the time working on your group project.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog Assignment

Blog Assignment:
As I reflect over a conflict the one that comes to mind is an experienced I had with my daughter-in-law.  I will give you a brief example of the situation that happened between my daughter-in-law and myself.
 I had agreed that two of my grandson’s could come over my house from 8 am until 12 noon.  Each of their mothers agreed to pick them up at 12 o’clock pm.  One of the grandson’s mothers ran late in picking her son up from my house.  I had to drop him off actually with his uncle due to an appointment I had for later that afternoon.  I left her a message as to where her son was and about my appointment.  I thought everything was fine until later that week when she refused to answer my call.  After a while she did pick the telephone up and explained how she felt about me having to drop her son off with his uncle before she returned.  The biggest reason she was upset with me was due to not telling her I had appointment.  Even though, I had her to agree to a pick up time before leaving.  She thought I should have gone as far as to tell her my plans.
One strategy I learned in the case of communicating with my daughter-in-law is accepting a personal responsibility for how I communicate in the future with my daughter-in-law.  I now see that the way I communicate is a way of collaborating and learning to cooperate with one another.
After watching the “YouTube” video “natural giving” and to remember to “do the things that we know how to do” is what I learned.  I now know that when communicating with my daughter-in-law I need to fully communicate until we have a full understand of what she expects from me and what I expect from her before moving forward.  I also, learned how we all have challenges with the way we listen to others.  I believe I need to take in account the challenges one maybe experiencing when listening.  These challenges are considered “listening barriers”.  People can have things going on in the life, work, health that can prevent them from always hearing the full information.
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St.    Martin's.
YouTube. (2010). The basics of nonviolent communication. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-129JLTjkQ

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blog Assignment

From looking back over this weeks assignment I was able to recognize a few similarities in my evaluation of myself.  When examing two other people, I noticed I was harder on myself in some areas than other people.  I feel that I am sensitive to the needs of people but, one person told me that I was not. Then on the other hand the other person agreed with me that I’m sometimes over sensitive to the needs of people.

The thing that surprised me was how honest the two people where with me during this assessment. I picked one person at work and my son to complete this assignment.  I was thinking that their answer would closely match my answer but they gave me a different truth.

The insight I gained was that I have to become a little more sensitive to people needs at work.  Another, insight I learned is that, I get very nerves when I speak in groups with people in power.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Changes in my Communication Skills

During this past week I did found myself communicating differently with colleagues and families. As I think back over the past weeks.  I noticed how I was choosing my words more carefully than I have since I started this course.   In addition I have been more aware of my body language than in past times.  A prime example was Friday, when I was in a training class for work and something was said that I did not agree with during the training.  The person I use to be would have said what came across my mind right then, but I remembered this week discussion about the “Platinum Rule”.  So I sat and gather my thoughts before I said anything in the training.   This, I felt was a better way of present information and myself and treating people the way I would like to be treated when communicating information.  This weeks resources has given me a chance to see the areas I need help in and what I need to improve in to help me as a person and a professional.

 I could use “code switching” and “style switching” to communicate with different types of people who’s culture is different than my own.

Taking the time out to think before commenting when communicates with people can help you choose your words more carefully.

Another good strategy to use is allowing a personal to express their selves totally before commenting.  This will give the person who is listening a chance to practice “emphatic listening.”

O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Army Wives

The movie I watched was Army Wives:

The characters in the movie relationships seemed to be people who are married to one another based on the way they are communicating.

The feelings expressed seemed like anger, happiness, sadness and celebration based on the nonverbal behavior I observed.

The assumptions I made about the characters that most of them appearing in the movie would be that they were married.  Based on the plot and the interpretation of the communication I assumed something bad was going to happen.

My assumptions were close to being correct by watching this movie.  I do believe if I had watched a movie that I was use to watch all my assumptions would have been more correct.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blog Assignment
My sister Carmalita demonstrates competent communication as a classroom teacher giving strategies to help children be successful in their course work in the classroom.  The behaviors I see Carmalita display when teaching are practicing good eye contact, when a student has lost their attention instead of singling them out she goes and stands near the child.  After demonstrating what she wants children to learn, she allows them to explain what they got from the teaching.  I would want to model my own communication behaviors after Carmalita.  I believe it is important to respect children learning and the amount of information children are able to take in.  I believe by asking children to explain what they took in from the teaching validates their individual learning.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

The means and hope I have now, after this class is that I’m able to understand people without any biases or stereotypes. I hope that from what I have learned I’m able to share with children and families to help them be better people so that we can all live in this world with peace.

The goal I would like to set for early childhood educators about issues related to diversity, equity, and social justice is to make no assumptions and to observe and learn.

Thank you, to my entire colleague for all of your hard work these eight weeks.  I have learned from each of you, your insights have helped me to gain more knowledge in many areas. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

One memory of an incident involving prejudice, bias and oppression that I have is of an over weight women that work at my same employment.  This woman is moved around each year due to her weight.  I understand that a building has to be schedule due to the concerns of the students.  But, others and I cannot help but see that in most of the cases that seemed not to be the problem in continuing to move this woman around as administration has done. I believe this is truly a prejudice because of this woman’s weight a bias against people over weight and a way of oppression to get her to give up and resign from her job.

I believe the ways that this specific bias, prejudice and oppression diminish equity is this woman feeling she has no recourse in fighting back.  If that means to find a lawyer or going to the “Nea” to help her make sense of what’s going on and to give her some help.  Another, way this incident diminishes equity is by keeping all of us quite and afraid to talk about it with someone of authority or even among each other it has silenced us all.

This incident brought feelings of feelings of oppression not having a voice.  Although, this is not directed at me, it makes me feel like “what if it was you.”  When I think about being a “slave” and the
“Slave” that got in trouble for no reason and all the ones who stood back in fear if they said something they would get it too.  This is how this makes me feel that I could get it too.  Although, I am not her size I am over weight.

I believe the leadership has to change to turn this situation into an opportunity for greater equity.  Someone needs to remove this leadership “that” will make a statement that this behavior will not be tolerated.  If, the leadership is not changed the only other way I see our staff has a chance is by professional development being brought in to bring awareness to this type of bias, prejudice and form of oppression.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World
The capital of Togo is Lomé. From the 11th to the 16th century, various tribes entered the region from all directions. From the 16th century to the 18th century, the coastal region was a major trading centre for Europeans in search of slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name "The Slave Coast". In 1884, Germany declared Togoland a protectorate. After World War I, rule over Togo was transferred to France. Togo gained its independence from France in 1960. In 2005, his son Faure Gnassingbé was elected president (Listofcountriesoftheworld.com 2012).

The five was I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards this family.
1.     Learn the language spoken in Togo.
2.     Learn who is the head of the family
3.     Learn things that offend their culture
4.     I would help connect them with people of their culture
5.     I would research the sufficiance behind why the United States was the country of choice?

I hope I will develop a deeper understanding of other cultures than the ones always studied in our classrooms.  I hope this will give me a chance to learn a new language.  I believe families will benefit by being having someone to greet them and understand their culute.  This will give them confindence build trust and make them feel comfortable.  I believe this will allow families to trust me and open up to me quicker.  This will show families that I respect them and their culture first and tha tthey are welcome in the United States of America.

www.listofcountriesoftheworld.com 2012. Country of Togo.

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
 In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?  This school year I have experienced more than one situation that relates to prejudice with my supervisor at work.  One was when he stated that I had been absent more than any teacher this school year.  This was totally untrue but, I felt that if I had made a comment are tried to defend myself it would appear disrespectful. I believe the incident diminished equity because it put me in a position were I felt I could not defend myself.  Even though it was not right for the supervisor to talk about or compare me to others during my personal evaluation.
 What feelings did this incident bring up for you?  I do feel life my feeling were oppressed and my rights were taken away from me.  The incident also, left me wondering about people that are in leadership roles.
  What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?  I believe supervisor should take an diversity class such as myself to be in a leadership role.  It would also, help for male supervisor to have on going professional development classes to help them learn how to communicate to women.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

This week I was at the park and over heard a group of teenagers talking.  They were using names talking about themselves.  I felt this was a mircoaggression something as an insult for me to hear people of color referring to each other as a “Nigger” instead of their birth name.

One microaggression I remember seeing more times than I would really want to say is how young black males get on to the elevator and white women start to clutch their purses.  Another micro- aggression happened when I was walking down the street with my son’s and white women started to cross the street to the other side.

I felt embarrass for the young because it was clear that they wear unaware of the meaning of our usage of the word.  

My observation experience this week affects my perception that Racism is subjective in that to the assumption that the word “Nigger” is bad does not include a sarcastic banter between two black friends.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

My son expressed culture as being a race, and a range of how people celebrate.  He said, “Diversity is a different style of communication.

My friend of mine defines culture as customs, art, cooking social institutions and achievement of a country and nation of people.  She describes diversity as economics; a culture of people with varies forms of religion and structure of family.

My husband defined culture being people of all beliefs and behaviors.  A make up of people who have characteristics that are individualized.  Shared values and rules.  He defined diversity as creating an environment that reaches as many people as possible and respecting all people.

I believe that the aspects that believe that the aspects of culture and diversity I studied in this course are included in the answers I received from my son when he talked about celebrating.  The example is contained in the word celebrate which means food, clothing, history and religion.

One aspect I believe has been omitted is education.  An example of such omission would be children taught at home or quitting school once they become a certain age, girls not being educated.

I believe thinking about other people definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics by allowing me to be more open-minded.  Help me to see others that have a different thought process.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


My Family Culture

I would choose the Bible, water and a family picture

I would explain to others that the Bible contains guidance for every situation you find your self in.  This book was the first book that was given to me as a child.

My family photography gives me a visual of the people I was created from and helps me to remember my roots.

I list water as an item because I would not be sure if the water supply would be drinkable or if the taste would be so different than what I am use to.  By having my own water supply would probably help me tolerate the rest of my new surrounds better.

If, I was told that upon arrival, that I had to give up two of my three items I would feel confused, maybe thinking it must be a miss communication and lastly I would comply with the request.  After going through all that I had been through at that point I feel personal the best thing is to go alone with what people in authority have to say.

After completing this exercise it gave me food for thought.  For example it made me think about what is important to me and what is important to my family and what represents me as a person.  All of the things I listed in my assignment represent my family culture the difference in me as a person and the diversity of my culture.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Blog Assignment: When I Think of Research...

The two insights I have gained about research is confidentially and ethics during this course.  We as researchers have to be willing to report our finding and not to mislead our participants.

My ideas about research have changed due to the many options available to use when researching.  Such as using qualitative, quantitative or mix method approach.

According to Oakley (2004), suggest concerns about paradigms being split between early childhood educations.  I learned the job of using designing is to represent the study.  When a person looks at the design of the study they need to know right away what the researcher is trying to convey.  I also, learned that planning and conducting research is not an easy job and as job to be able to oversee everything and be open to new things when researching for early childhood.

One of my biggest challenges was trying to understand the terms.  There were a lot of new terms for me.  Triangulation was a term that was new to me.  I learned later it basically was using the perspective of others to be better informed.  I also was challenged each week with more terms that I was not familiar with.  I might these challenges simply by reading the instructors feed back and trying to do a little be more each time.  Eventually this led me to see the bigger picture of what we were creating during this course.

I now am more aware of the role played by a professional in early childhood seeking information that could inform me better about my students but also has showed me there are rules to be followed in the quest of finding out information.  Such as confidentially and applying ethics at all times.

The insights I have gained in research are about confidentiality making sure every precaution is taken to ensure the rights of participants.  I learned that even researcher ethically cannot personal misuse there authority to further their gain in the careers.  Such as asking questions they personally want to know.

My ideas about the nature of doing research changed when I learned so much more about mix methods of research.  I believe by entering into research methods allows such a wide range to choose from.  This can be very valuable in doing research.

My perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified by the way I look at research now.  One example is how as professional we are always are to be respectful to the children and include them if possible.  I learned new ways of interviewing children by using pictures.  These things helped modified this course for me.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

International Website

Early Childhood Australia: 

 What are some of the current international research topics?

Baby and toddler sleeping
Child health and childhood obesity
School readiness and children/’s transitions

The new ideas I explored on the international early childhood website was the collaboration of ideas from professional’s and educators.  Another insight I learned was the work with mental health that is supporting infants and school age children.

One of the noteworthy information I found on this website was the format of the website.  I thought the website was easy to navigate.  The other websites were hard for me to understand and to find information.  Lastly, the resources offered on the website was surprising and noteworthy were free articles.  I believe this type of information maybe valuable for students and people doing research.
