Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What I Have Learned

One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length) One hope that I have is for people of all cultures can learn from one another and are interested in the difference of one another.  It would be nice to accept our differences and learn to work together.  To see pass those difference and learn that our children can learn from each other regardless of our diversity and backgrounds.

One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length) When dealing with people who are different than myself whether that’s culture, religion or sexual orientation I want to be ready to be open-minded and accept people for who they are and not who I think they are.  Learning not to assume or have assumptions of others is a big move in the right direction.  I believe that I have learned that discomforts exist for a lot of us.  The main thing is not to react on those discomforts but learn how to over come them while treating everyone with respect.

I would like to say thanks to Barbara and Christiana for such spirited conversations.  I love the way each of you brought such creativy to our discussions.  It is awesome to see how each of us think and how we express those thoughts.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art
Growing up in the struggle wasn't by choice, its something Jesus planned out
so I adapted to get it on my own and not to look for a hand out.

They think because we’re poor and we aren’t richer than the next man
that when someone needs a job done, you're not qualified to be the best man
bcuz the media will lose you and ultimately confuse you.  

 Ignore the motives that we use reality shows and school.  Traven’s Martin got murdered and society tried to swipe it under the rug.  But it was tragic like the girl killed herself because she was
bullied on blog sites.  When I was young we played with Barbie’s and had easy bake ovens.   
Show little girls are too grown and they don't look up to nothing they don't look forward to a husband, whereas the hope for the future.  Boys used to fight back in the day now a days they will shoot one thing.  I really hate and I feel is a mistake folks rather watch the bet awards over the presidential debate you can call me old fashion but the news today – I can’t relate
just hope times get better so like 50 cent I patiently wait!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: "We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: "We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"


When my siblings and I were little I remember the first time we seen someone who appeared to be different because of the way they walked.  To us it was funny the way they walked and moved their arms to seem uncontrollable.  What I learned as I got older was that the person was diagnosis with Cerebral Palsy.  This is an action of the limbs that could not be helped.  Although this person was dealing with this type of motion of their body it had nothing to do with their mental capabilities.  My mom did a good job of correcting us from laughing and talking about the person.  But she fell short in using it as a teachable moment to explain to us what was happening to the individual and why it is not polite to laugh at anyone who appears to be different.  “She told us it was not nice and don’t do that again and if she ever seen us do it again she was going to get us.”

As I viewed the response of the adult in the media “Seeing Diversity: Physical Ability and Characteristics.” I thought the adult who was listening to the children complain about the lunch meals was so wrong to make the comment he did about “he see why he wants more food.”  This made my heart sink.  I was not expected that from this video.  I believe this type of comment to a young child could damage him for life.  These types of comments from adults are never forgotten, as we are about to learn by doing this assignment.  There will be stories told about young children or us that have always stayed with us.  In some ways we get over them and turn out okay and in our cases the thoughts are always with us.

An anti-bias educator would have taken the time to discuss the needs of the children.  He would have explained his company needs the needs of the state for them to follow but assured the children that he would report back all of his finding today and get back with them as soon as possible.  I believe this would be a way of communicating to the students they are important and what they are talking about is equally as important.  I don’t believe any smart comments were needed.  I believe the children needed to walked away as though they did what was right by speaking up for what was right and a feeling of empowerment as they completed the task.


"Start Seeing Diversity: Physical Ability and Characteristics" (Approximate length: 4 minutes)