Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blog Assignment
My sister Carmalita demonstrates competent communication as a classroom teacher giving strategies to help children be successful in their course work in the classroom.  The behaviors I see Carmalita display when teaching are practicing good eye contact, when a student has lost their attention instead of singling them out she goes and stands near the child.  After demonstrating what she wants children to learn, she allows them to explain what they got from the teaching.  I would want to model my own communication behaviors after Carmalita.  I believe it is important to respect children learning and the amount of information children are able to take in.  I believe by asking children to explain what they took in from the teaching validates their individual learning.  


  1. Audrey you are so right, eye contact and physical presence are vital to keeping good communication with children. How lucky you are to have a sister to model after.

  2. Thanks Stacie,

    I believe my sister has helped me a lot since I was a teachers aide for 18, years and now going on 5 years of teaching. I continue to learn from her in so many ways.

  3. Audrey,
    It is great to see another teacher communicating so well with her teachers. Sometimes teachers forget that the children they teach are people too. We have to show them respect in order to receive respect.

  4. Audrey:
    I loved how you chose your sister--and she's a teacher. My sister in law was the person that has great communication in my life--and she used to be a teacher! I loved how you mentioned how important it is to respect children. Great post!
